[Other Twitter] 120206 South Korean foreign minister, Kim Sung Hwan, tweets about Jaejoong’s visit to Turkey

Minister Kim was also present at Seoul Nuclear Security Summit and tweeted about JYJ, thanking them for their participation. Read his past tweet HERE.

[TRANS] President Lee Myung Bak who was on a state visit to Turkey had an opportunity to converse with students in Ankara University. Together with the honorary ambassador of the Nuclear Security Summit JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong, they went to Turkey for a short visit. Thank you very much. I heard that Kim Jaejoong held a fan sign during his visit to Turkey.

Source: sunghwan53
Translation by: Shermin of JYJ3 | Shared by: JYJ3
Please do not add to, alter, or remove the credits.

[Other Twitter] 120206 Jaejoong strikes a pose with Korea national volleyball player Kim Yeon Kuong

[TRANS] I attended a state banquet at the Turkey Presidential Palace today. I took a flight from Istanbul to Ankara with a fluttering heart, knowing that President Lee Myung Bak and Kim Jaejoong would be attending it as well. It was really an honor and I am happy. Thank you very much for inviting me.

Source: kimyk10
Translation by: Shermin of JYJ3 | Shared by: JYJ3
Please do not add to, alter, or remove the credits.

[SCAN + TRANS] 120206 JYJ Featured in Peruvian Newspaper “El Comercio” – “Korean Pop: The New Trend”

JYJ3 Note: JYJ is receiving great coverage in Peru. They were recently  featured in the most influential Peruvian Newspaper named “El Comercio” 

“Korean Pop: The New Trend” 

* In three weeks, all concert tickets for JYJ’s concert were sold out. By request of the fans, they added 1000 tickets on sale. *They explain their interest for the Band.

*** By Marilia Pastor

Her goal was to get to Heaven. Of course, not literally. Pearl Ipanaqué camped on January 11th at the entrance to Plaza Vea of San Miguel to get a ticket IN HEAVEN (Super VIP). All to see the Korean band JYJ. That will make a performance on March 11 in our country. Some followers, more cautious, camped two days to secure their entrance.

“It was quite crazy! At 4 am more fans were arriving, all night they chanted and danced. They also send tweets to the boys of JYJ to know that Peruvian fans were going to buy tickets to see them.  Recalls Pearl who study management and international business.

The time played against her. A half-hour Super VIP tickets were sold out and she was content to get her VIP ticket only. In three weeks, the 5000 tickets were sold.

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[NEWS] 120207 JYJ’s Junsu opens up about being a musical star

JYJ member Kim Junsu who has built a strong fan base in Korea as well as overseas is now being featured in his third musical.

He took a different route from his fellow member Park Yoochun and Kim Jaejoong who opted to star in drama series. He explained his choice for going into musicals instead by saying, “There’s a unique charm to musicals that’s different from concerts.” Also, he liked the challenge of expressing the art of acting through music.

It is also a genre that he came to know during the most difficult time in his life, after leaving his former group TVXQ.

The singer, whose first musical was ‘Mozart‘ back in 2010 earned has reached higher heights than anyone had anticipated. Tickets for the musicals sold out due to his appearance, and he seemed to channel all of his anxiety and pent up emotions towards his former agency into this musical, and his acting became that much more natural and passionate.

‘Mozart’ was a project that I took on during the most difficult period in my life, and because of that, it is one that I will never be able to forget as long as I live,” he said.

He didn’t need to think twice about being in his current musical. It was a new project by Sylvester Levay, the composer behind the ingenious music of ‘Mozart’, the musical that Junsu feels so attached to.

This third musical is none other than ‘Elisabeth‘, a musical equally emotional and shocking as ‘Mozart’.

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